October 15th to December 7th is the open enrollment period for those on Original Medicare Part B with or without a supplement and Part D Plan (PDP) looking to change supplements or prescription plans. Others on Medicare Advantage Plans can change back to Original Medicare Part B or change to another Medicare Advantage Plan during this enrollment period or January 1st to March 31st.
While Part B supplements tend to vary minimally year to year and tend to remain the best option through a lifetime, it's highly important to evaluate your Part D Plan and Advantage Plan options every year. Many changes occur within plans each year including which medications are included on formularies, which tier cost generics fall into, as well as contracts with your pharmacy of choice. A single plan choice for one patient can have drastic financial consequences to the patient or the pharmacy. Working with your pharmacy for the best plan based on your medications (or therapeutic equivalents) at the most affordable price is vital to your wellbeing and sustainability of rural pharmacies.
Here at Currier Drug, we will diligently be evaluating the best plan option for all of our Medicare beneficiaries receiving medications at our pharmacy. If you are interested in seeing how we compare to your current pharmacy, we will be glad to sit down and do an evaluation in the month of November comparing the pharmacy and plan options side by side!
For current customers, we will reach out to you as soon as possible!